2025 M3 Conference Sponsors
February 21-22, 2025 – Houston, Texas
Partner with M3 and help connect people to the world in need
Becoming a sponsor of M3 allows us to bring together medical professionals and students, as well as non-medically skilled professionals and students, and mobilize them towards the most pressing global health and related community needs. Sponsors help carry out the core mission of M3. Come partner with us, and together we can connect organizations with willing individuals ready to make a difference and impact the world.
PRESENTING SPONSOR – $25,000 (1 available)
Expand presenting sponsor detailsMarketing/Advertising/Name Association*:
- Enjoy the highest level of visibility and exposure as the Presenting Sponsor.
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Logo inclusion on all M3 print ads.
- Logo/sponsor name inclusion in M3 media kits.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Impressions/Printed Materials*:
- Logo inclusion on M3 E-mail blasts.
- Logo inclusion on M3 fliers and postcards.
- Logo inclusion on M3 direct mail pieces.
- Logo prominently displayed in official M3 Conference Program/Guide.
- Full page ad space in official M3 Conference Program/Guide (specs provided by M3/ad provided by sponsor).
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink prominently displayed on www.m3missions.com.
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- Four (4) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth spaces with priority selection.
- Two (2) – one (1) minute or One (1) – two (2) minute plenary session video(s) with introduction (specs provided by M3/videos provided by sponsor).
- Logo inclusion on M3 attendee/registration bags.
- Logo inclusion on M3 attendee/registration badges.
- Logo inclusion on M3 volunteer t-shirt(s).
- Logo inclusion on two (2) promotional signs (one displayed near “Grand Entrance” and one displayed near “Timmons/Circle Drive Entrance”).
- Up to three (3) sponsor promotional items that we will put into attendee/registration bags (promotional items provided by sponsor).
- Sponsor lanyards that we will attach to attendee/registration badges (lanyards provided by sponsor; if you choose to opt-out of this benefit, M3 will attach a plain black cord to each badge instead).
- One (1) sponsor promotional item/flyer/coupon that we will put into attendees lunch box/bag (promotional item provided by sponsor).
Other Benefits*:
- Fourteen (14) conference registrations.
- Fourteen (14) reserved seats in plenary sessions.
- Two (2) preferred daytime parking spots.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).
PLATINUM SPONSOR – $15,000 (4 available)
Expand platinum sponsor detailsName Association/Cross Promotions*:
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Impressions/Printed Materials*:
- Logo inclusion on M3 fliers and postcards.
- Logo inclusion on M3 direct mail pieces.
- Logo inclusion in official M3 Conference Program/Guide.
- Full page ad space in official M3 Conference Program/Guide (specs provided by M3/ad provided by sponsor).
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink on www.m3missions.com.
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- Four (4) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth spaces with priority selection.
- One (1) – one (1) minute plenary session video with introduction (specs provided by M3/video provided by sponsor).
- Logo inclusion on one (1) promotional sign displayed near “Grand Entrance”.
- Up to two (2) sponsor promotional items that we will put into attendee/registration bags (promotional items provided by sponsor).
Other Benefits*:
- Twelve (12) conference registrations.
- Twelve (12) reserved seats in plenary sessions.
- One (1) preferred daytime parking spot.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).
GOLD SPONSOR – $10,000
Expand gold sponsor detailsName Association/Cross Promotions*:
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Impressions/Printed Materials*:
- Logo inclusion on M3 fliers
- Logo inclusion in official M3 Conference Program/Guide.
- Half page ad space in official M3 Conference Program/Guide (specs provided by M3/ad provided by sponsor).
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink on www.m3missions.com.
- Two (2) sponsor slides to be included in on-screen images shown during plenary sessions (specs provided by M3/slides provided by sponsor).
- Up to two (2) sponsor promotional items that we will put into attendee/registration bags (promotional items provided by sponsor).
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- Three (3) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth spaces with priority selection
Other Benefits*:
- Ten (10) conference registrations.
- Ten (10) reserved seats in plenary sessions.
- One (1) preferred daytime parking spot.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).
Expand silver sponsor detailsName Association/Cross Promotions*:
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Impressions/Printed Materials*:
- Logo inclusion in official M3 Conference Program/Guide.
- Half page ad space in official M3 Conference Program/Guide (specs provided by M3/ad provided by sponsor).
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink on www.m3missions.com.
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- Two (2) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth spaces with priority selection.
- One (1) sponsor slide to be included in on-screen images shown during plenary sessions (specs provided by M3/slide provided by sponsor).
- One (1) sponsor promotional item that we will put into attendee/registration bags (promotional item provided by sponsor).
Other Benefits*:
- Eight (8) conference registrations.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).
Expand nickel sponsor detailsName Association/Cross Promotions*:
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Impressions/Printed Materials*:
- Logo inclusion in official M3 Conference Program/Guide.
- Quarter page ad space in official M3 Conference Program/Guide (specs provided by M3/ad provided by sponsor).
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink on www.m3missions.com.
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- One (1) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth space.
Other Benefits*:
- Six (6) conference registrations.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).
Expand bronze sponsor detailsName Association*:
- As a partner of M3, your organization will receive a positive association with the mission of M3 by helping others connect, be inspired and find their mission.
- Cross promotions – rights to use M3 logo (with pre-approval) on your own marketing materials through February 28, 2025.
Website Recognition*:
- Logo with hyperlink on www.m3missions.com.
On-Site Recognition/Booth Space*:
- One (1) 10’x8’ Exhibitor booth space.
Other Benefits*:
- Four (4) conference registrations.
- Ability to purchase additional conference registrations at a flat rate of $35.00 per person.
* All sponsors must provide certain items to M3 according to theirsponsor level (i.e. organization logo in high res png format, ad for M3 Conference Program/Guide, organization website hyperlink, videos, slides, promotional items, and other information as needed).